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Legal notices

Article No. 1: Purpose

These legal notices exclusively govern the Internet service www.maisonsekimoto.com edited by:
Sole Proprietorship SATOSHI SEKIMOTO
Registered Office: 70, av. Frédéric Chevillon – 13380 Plan-de-Cuques – FRANCE
Registered with the Marseille RM under number 508.567.872 RM 05.
Legal representatives of the company: Satoshi SEKIMOTO and Laurent SEKIMOTO.
Non-premium contact phone: +
Contact email address: contact@maisonsekimoto.com.
Tax identification number: 508567872
The Maison Sekimoto brand and the maisonsekimoto.com site belong to the SATOSHI SEKIMOTO company.

Article No. 2: User and GDPR

Customers or users of the maisonsekimoto.com site who have provided personal information for the purpose of being contacted have the right to access, rectify, modify, and delete this data. They can exercise this right by contacting the seller at the contact details indicated in Article 1, in accordance with the “Informatique et Libertés” law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, as amended, and Regulation no. 679/2016 of April 27, 2016, known as the General Data Protection Regulation.
All information communicated is strictly confidential and will not be transmitted to any third party other than the SATOSHI SEKIMOTO sole proprietorship.

During a distance sale, the buyer’s name, address, and email must be provided and accurate for the proper processing of the order, delivery, and preparation of accounting documents. Failure or inaccuracy of information automatically implies the rejection of the order.
To find out more about the processing of your personal data, or to exercise your rights of access, modification or deletion of this data, we invite you to send us your request via the contact form on the site.

The SATOSHI SEKIMOTO sole proprietorship cannot guarantee users of the eponymous site that the data exchanged will not be collected fraudulently by third parties. For its part, the publisher undertakes to take all legal and technical measures to secure these exchanges.

Article No. 3: Cookies

A cookie is data that is stored on a computer, tablet, or mobile device when you browse the Internet so that this computer, tablet, or mobile device (“device”) can be recognized later. The cookies stored by us or by third parties when you visit our website do not recognize you personally as an individual; they only recognize the device you are using.

Cookies do not cause any harm to your device but they allow you to benefit from certain features of our website. For example, they allow us to offer you goods on the home page corresponding to your last search. They also help us keep our website secure, remember your preferences, and personalize the content of our website so that it is more suitable for you. As an audience analysis tool, the website made available uses Google Analytics in particular.

In this context, the data generated by the cookies regarding your use of the site will be transmitted and stored by Google on servers located in the United States. Google complies with the data protection provisions of the “Safe Harbor Principles.” Google Analytics has been configured by us on this site with the “Anonymize IP” option, which ensures that your IP address is always processed anonymously. You can access Google’s privacy policy through their website.

Of course, you can globally oppose the storage of cookies (or equivalent technology) by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser (or other media interface used: smartphone, tablet, etc.). However, such deactivation could prevent the use of certain features of this site. For example, to block Google Analytics, you can refer to Google’s website to block any tracking conducted by a website using this tool on your own initiative.

Article No. 4: Access to the Site

The site is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, SATOSHI SEKIMOTO’s sole proprietorship cannot be held responsible in case of temporary inability to use the site, in particular, due to force majeure, computer difficulties, difficulties related to telecommunications networks, technical difficulties, difficulties related to the EDF network, external intrusion, or the presence of computer viruses. For maintenance reasons, SATOSHI SEKIMOTO may interrupt access to the site and will make every effort to notify users beforehand.

Gandi SAS
63-65 boulevard Masséna
75013 Paris
Siren 423 093 459 RCS PARIS
VAT Number FR81423093459
Tel +33 (0) 1
Fax +33. (0) 1 43 73 18 51

Article No. 5: Editorial Content

The website offers various texts for documentary purposes to be used with appropriate discernment.

Article No. 6: Intellectual Property

The trademark, logo, graphic design, as well as all data (texts and images) appearing on the pages of maisonsekimoto.com website are the exclusive property of the individual enterprise SATOSHI SEKIMOTO.

For any request concerning intellectual property or communication about the individual enterprise SATOSHI SEKIMOTO, the natural person Satoshi Sekimoto, the Maison Sekimoto trademark, or the maisonsekimoto.com website, an explicit authorization from the individual enterprise Satoshi Sekimoto is required. The applicant must make the request by email to the address mentioned in Article 1. Without explicit authorization from the individual enterprise Satoshi Sekimoto, the use, reproduction, imitation, exploitation, whether for free or for a fee, in whole or in part, on any media or by any means is prohibited. This prohibition constitutes counterfeiting which may engage the civil and criminal liability of the counterfeiter.

The title and logo of “Meilleur Ouvrier de France” (Best Craftsman of France) are managed by the COET MOF and the National Society of Best Craftsmen of France located at 16, rue Saint-Nicolas – 75012 PARIS – FRANCE. The title and logo “Maître Artisan en métier d’art” (Master Craftsman in Art Craft) are managed by the Chambers of Trades and Crafts of France. The individual enterprise SATOSHI SEKIMOTO is authorized to use them for its own account according to strict conditions published by the above-mentioned organizations. The individual enterprise SATOSHI SEKIMOTO, therefore, is not the owner of these designations and declines all responsibility in case of inappropriate use of these labels by the Buyer.

The individual enterprise SATOSHI SEKIMOTO remains free to modify the content of the website at any time and without notice.

Article No. 7: Hyperlinks and Share Function

The website may offer hyperlinks to third-party websites. The responsibility of the individual enterprise SATOSHI SEKIMOTO cannot be held in case of a dispute between a referenced site and a user and does not bear any responsibility for the content, products, and services available on these third-party websites or from these websites, as well as their access and technical operations.

The establishment of a hyperlink to the maisonsekimoto.com website requires prior written authorization from the individual enterprise SATOSHI SEKIMOTO, which authorization may be revoked at any time.

When you use a “Share” function offered on the website to share a product, an event, or a communication from the MAISON SEKIMOTO brand, you acknowledge and agree that the contents made available for sharing should only be used for purely personal use, excluding any commercial use on websites or internet pages and/or any other digital or material medium for commercial purposes.

Article No. 8: Partners

The individual business SATOSHI SEKIMOTO has selected partners, present on the site, for the quality of their services. The individual business SEKIMOTO cannot be held responsible for the execution of these services.

Article No. 9: Competent courts

Any dispute relating to the interpretation and execution of these ML is subject to French law.
However, the individual business SATOSHI SEKIMOTO undertakes to seek an amicable solution before any legal action is taken. For an amicable solution, the buyer must contact the individual business SATOSHI SEKIMOTO by email at the address mentioned in Article #1.
In the absence of an amicable resolution, the dispute will be brought before the competent French courts in Marseille.

Article No. 10: Language

These legal notices have been written in French in their original version and translated into English and Japanese versions.

In the event that these legal notices need to be interpreted, only the French version will prevail.